Entering employee records

Before entering employee records:

Consider the following points:

  • If you select the Exempt from certified reporting checkbox for an employee, when you create a payroll record for that employee, the Certified field does not default to Yes for timecard lines that have a job marked Requires certified reporting.
  • If an employee is exempt from overtime pay, select the Exempt from overtime pay checkbox. When entering timecards for an employee that works more than 8 hours in a single day, pay type 1-Regular defaults to the Pay Type box.
  • If you select Use proxy hours for EEO-1 reporting, Sage 100 Contractor uses proxy hours of 40 hrs per week for full-time employees or 20 hrs per week for part-time employees, rather than actual hours worked.
  • If your company works in Alaska, you must provide additional residential information for state certified payroll reports.
  • If your company works in Washington state, you need to provide the employee's Standardized Occupational Classification code (SOC), which required for quarterly reports beginning in the fourth quarter of 2022.
  • If your company provides its own ("self-insured") health coverage to employees, their spouses, and their children, you enter the names of all covered Individuals, as well as their relationship to the employee and their Social Security Number (SSN) or date of birth on the ACA tab.

    Tip: To change ACA settings for a number of employees at once, use the Update All Employees' ACA Settings window, available from the Options menu.

  • Sage 100 Contractor uses the amount entered in the Accrual Max box on the Compensation tab to determine whether sick leave must be accrued for a given pay period.

  • If you want to hide executive pay from employees who are not payroll administrators, you need to turn on Payroll Admin Security for your company by assigning this security access to a payroll administrator in the 7-2-2 User List window before you can assign that protection to a record.

To enter an employee record:

  1. Open 5-2-1 Employees.
  2. In the data control text box, enter the employee identification number.
  3. In the First Name text box, enter the employee’s first name.
  4. In the M.I. text box, enter the employee’s middle initial.
  5. In the Last Name text box, enter the employee’s last name.
  6. In the Status list, click the work status of the employee.
  7. In the Nickname box, enter the employee's preferred name or the name they are known by.
  8. On the General Information tab:

    1. In the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip text boxes, enter the address.
    2. (Optional) In the User Def1 and User Def2 text boxes, enter the user-defined information as necessary.
    3. If the employee usually operates a piece of equipment, enter the equipment number in the Equipment text box.

      Important! If a job or equipment number does not appear on a timecard line, Sage 100 Contractor posts the payroll based on the employee’s position.

    4. In the Phone# text box, enter the employee’s telephone number.
    5. In the Fax# text box, enter the employee’s fax number.
    6. In the Home# text box, enter the employee’s home telephone number.
    7. In the Pager# text box, enter the employee’s pager number.
    8. In the Cell# text box, enter the employee’s cellular number.
    9. In the Email text box, enter the employee’s email address.
    10. If only payroll administrators should see payroll information for this employee, select the Require Payroll Admin Access checkbox.

      You also need to

  9. On the Human Resources tab:

    1. In the Employment Type list, click the category.
    2. In the Gender list, click employee’s gender.
    3. In the Benefit Status list, click the employee’s benefit status.
    4. In the Heritage list, click the employee’s heritage.


      When you select the Always use employee comp code checkbox, Sage 100 Contractor inserts the workers’ compensation code from the employee’s record into the timecard. Otherwise, Sage 100 Contractor inserts the workers’ compensation code associated with the cost code entered in the timecard.

    5. In the Comp Code list, click the worker’s compensation code.
    6. In the Position list, click the employee’s position.
    7. In the Union list, click the union to which the employee belongs.
    8. In the Residence Locale text box, enter the local payroll tax district for the employee's residence.
    9. In the Work Locale text box, enter the payroll tax district for the employee's work location (for salaried employees).
    10. In the Tax State text box, enter the abbreviation for the state in which the employee lives.
    11. In the SOC Code text box, enter the employee's Standardized Occupational Classification code, which Washington state requires for quarterly reports beginning in the fourth quarter of 2022.

    12. In the Social Security# text box, enter the employee’s social security number.
    13. In the Birth Date text box, enter the employee’s date of birth.
    14. In the Hire Date text box, enter the date when the employee was hired.
    15. In the Last Raise text box, enter the date when the employee last received a raise.
    16. In the Inactive text box, enter the date when the employee record became inactive.

      Important! After verifying an employee’s citizenship, select the I-9 Verification checkbox.

    17. Select the following options, as necessary, for the employee:
      • I-9 verified
      • Eligible under HIRE Act of 2010
      • Exempt from certified reporting
      • Exempt from overtime pay
      • Use proxy hours for EEO-1 reporting
  10. On the Compensation tab:

    1. In the Pay Period list, click the cycle of the pay period.

    2. In the Paygroup text box, enter the paygroup number.

    3. In the Regular Hourly Rate (rate 1) text box, enter the employee’s regular hourly rate.

    4. In the Overtime Hourly Rate (rate 2) text box, enter the employee’s overtime hourly rate.

    5. In the Premium Hourly Rate (rate 3) text box, enter the employee’s premium hourly rate.

    6. If the employee is paid a salary, enter the amount in the Salary text box. If the employee is salaried, do not enter a paygroup or hourly rates.

      Important! If salaried employees are paid overtime, you must enter a standard regular rate as well as standard overtime rate.

    7. In the Commission% box, enter the rate (%) of the sales commission.
    8. In the Advances Due box, enter the total amount of outstanding advances due, or leave it blank.
    9. Enter sick leave accrual information for this employee:

      1. In the Sick Available text box, enter the total accrued hours of sick time.
      2. In the sick Rate text box, enter the rate at which sick time accrues.
      3. In the sick Method list, click the method used to accrue sick time.
      4. In the Maximum box, enter the maximum amount of paid sick leave that the employee can accrue. (This is normally the legal maximum for the state, such as 6 days or 48 hours.) This maximum is used during the computation of payroll to determine whether sick leave must be accrued .

      5. You can change the amount carried forward from the previous year in the Carry Forward box, if necessary. (At the beginning of a new payroll year, Sage 100 Contractor brings forward the employee's Accrued Sick balance from the previous year and displays the amount in this box.) This amount is reported on the Sick Leave Verification Report as the accrued sick balance from the previous year.

    10. Enter vacation accrual information for the employee:

      1. In the Vacation Available text box, enter the total accrued hours of vacation time.
      2. In the vacation Rate text box, enter the rate at which vacation time accrues.
      3. In the vacation Method list, click the method used to accrue vacation time.
      4. In the Maximum box, enter the maximum amount of vacation (in hours) that the employee can accrue. This maximum is used during the computation of payroll to determine whether vacation can be accrued .

      5. You can change the amount carried forward from the previous year in the Carry Forward box, if necessary. (During year-end closing, Sage 100 Contractor brings forward the employee's Accrued Vacation balance from the previous year and displays the amount in this box.)

    11. Under W-2 Options:
      1. Select either or both Retirement Plan and Third-Party Sick Pay boxes to include that information in the W-2 electronic file.
      2. If you have obtained the employee's consent to send their W-2 form by email, select Consent for Electronic W-2.
  11. If the employee uses direct deposit, click the Direct Deposit tab, then:
    1. Click the Enable direct deposit box.
    2. Enter the information for one or more (up to four) accounts to which to allocate direct deposits.

    3. Add the employee email address to receive the direct deposit pay stub.
  12. On the Calculations tab:

    1. Review the payroll calculations and rates.
    2. Make any necessary adjustments.

    Note: You change the Marital, Std Allow, Add Allow, Table#, and Add W/H entries for the federal income tax calculation on the W-4 Information tab.

  13. On the Additional Contacts tab, enter any additional contacts or emergency contacts for the employee.
  14. On the ACA tab, select the year for which you need to add health coverage information for ACA reporting purposes.

    1. For the employee, enter the following information in the top part of the tab for each month of the year:

      • Work Status (Full Time, Part Time, Seasonal, Exempt)
      • Offer of Coverage Code (as defined under the Act)
      • Safe Harbor Code (as defined under the Act)
      • Share of Min Plan Premium (the employee's share of the lowest premium)
      • Zip Code.

        • If you entered 1L, 1M, or 1N as the Offer of Coverage Code, enter the zip code for the employee's residence.

        • If you entered 1O, 1P, or 1Q as the Offer of Coverage Code, enter the zip code for the employee's primary work location.

    2. If your company provides self-insured health coverage to employees, enter information as follows for the employee's spouse and each dependent:

      1. In the lower portion of the tab, click Add Individual.
      2. In the blank row that appears, enter the name of the covered individual, their relationship to the employee, and their Social Security Number (SSN) or date of birth.
      3. Select the checkbox for each month of coverage for the individual.

      Note: To delete a covered individual from the tab, you click the X at the end of the row that includes their name.

  15. On the W-4 Information tab, enter information for federal withholding. (You also use this tab to update W-4 information for existing employees whose personal information and deductions have changed.)

    The W-4 Information tab is patterned after the W-4 form, with steps corresponding to the steps on the form. (This tab provides a thumbnail of a sample W-4 form for your convenience. To display a larger version of the sample form in your image viewer, click the thumbnail.)

    1. For Step 1 (corresponding to Step 1 on the W-4 form), select a filing status from the list.

      Note: You must select a status from the Filing status list before any other fields on the tab become available.

    2. Complete the remaining steps as needed.

      Tip: As you move through the fields on the tab, Sage 100 Contractor displays a red cartouche around the corresponding area of the thumbnail form.

  16. Click File > Save.